Saving Lives With Stem Cells

 The stem cell treatment is "Safe, Simple and Effective Healing Done by Your Own Body."

Step 1: Depending on what you need the treatment for, cells are extracted from your: blood, ubilical cord blood, fat, embryos, and bone marrow.

Step 2: The cells extracted are inserted into a dish. Culture is added into the dish.

Step 3: The mixture is then put into a tube to be centrifuged. This seperates the stem cells from the other substances.

Step 4: The stem cells are removed and put into a tube. Activation solution is added to the cells to get the cells working.

Step 5: Saline is added and then the new mixture is centrifuged to seperate the activated stem cells and the no longer needed activator.

Step 6: The stem cells are extracted and put into a drip bag to be put into the recipients body to heal them.

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